Hello Web

Search Engine Optimisation

Our thorough research and attention to detail places your website among the top SEO outcomes.

With some basic (SEO) Search Engine Optimisation, it’s very likely that I can get your website ranking higher. 

Search Engine Optimisation forms the foundation of a successful Website. Understanding how seach engines rank websites is critical to the success of placing your website high amongst the right searches, or high in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). I believe that the website and SEO are so closely linked that they should be performed by one team. Separating the two can easily lead to misalignment and additional costs. 

Good SEO requires both technical understanding and a good grip on how the content of the website affects SERPS. We use leading software to monitor and analyse our client’s performance to make on-going improvements.

I work with typical New Zealand Businesses and also focus on:

SEO for Small to Medium Business
SEO for Exporters (International SEO)
SEO for E-Commerce

All SEO, including the initial technical SEO, starts with good “keyword” research. I will have a carefully look at your customers, your competitors, your Unique Selling Point and will find out as much about your business and the habits of your website visitors to achieve the best well targeted SEO results.

I provide project based or on-going SEO work. Good SEO includes analysing the behaviour of your website visitors. This analysis presents an opportunity to make on-going improvements to website content, engagement components and Meta Data on your website. It also provides information for improving your paid advertising and can result in significant cost saving. 

On-Page SEO

  • Initial On-Page SEO
  • HTTPS Security
  • Schema Markup
  • Meta Data
  • Image Optimisation
  • Internal Linking
  • Robots.txt optimisation
  • Image Tags
  • Page Speed optimisation
  • Content Implementation

On-going & Off-Page SEO

  • Keyword Research
  • Content Implementation
  • Initial and on-going Off-Page SEO
  • Link Building
  • Directory Entry
  • Site Security
  • Domain Security
  • Google Analytics
  • Quarterly Reporting

Let's get started on your SEO project